May 11, 2018

Making the Most of Time

Have you ever found yourself stuck unable to just do the things you usually do?
Six weeks ago I had a hip upgrade- I call it that because the new one's a darned sight better than the old sucker. Everything went well and I did some research in hospital for future books. I mean, what else was I supposed to do when I only had exercises and learning to navigate on crutches to do? And read and do crosswords.

Then I went home. And that's where the fun started.

I read. Thank goodness for the tablet.

I watched my favourite crime investigation channel - for hours and hours.

I cross stitched, finally finishing Santa after more than two years and 71,100 stitches.

I walked and exercised.

I navigated the kitchen and baked chocolate zucchini cakes to use up the excess zucs. And overcooked some of them.

And I worked on my new book. I also sold the latest one - ER Doctor's Forever Gift.

But it all drove me nuts. I'm not good at being confined. Which means I drove my DB crazy too. Probably why he insist (not very hard) we celebrate with champagne last night since I got the all clear yesterday - life has returned to normal.
My family and friends. Love 'em to bits but I've learned they can be so bossy. Don't walk on the gravel, don't dry the dishes, don't go so fast. Grrrr. Actually, don't dry the dishes was okay.
And I have never met so many doctors as I have in the past six weeks, and I worked in the medical world. Someone would tell me what I could do and we'd have a darn good laugh and I'd carry on as my consultant told me to.
But seriously, I appreciate how special these people are and they can tell me what to do as much as they like. I will continue to ignore them and we'll still always be close.

How have you coped when confined to barracks? Or what do you think you'd do if this happened?


  1. Had 2 enforced medical vacations,one in 2003 after complications after my planned hystrectomy. Suffice it to say I had a post up abdominal abscess and ended up home off work for 5 months until my opened abdominal sound could heal in by granulation. Loved alone at the time, so I was happy to see my visiting nurse every day until the wound was manageable. Had lot of books and tv to watch, but the internet wasn't everything it is now. In 2011 I had a rare reaction to the Enbrel I was taking for my rheumatoid arthritis. After seeing every specialist known into God and man (except a podiatrist and proctologist) they finally figured out and controlled the problem, but I have had to medically retire and go on disability. Now I have my kindle, Netflix and all the lovely on demand tv that I didn't have the last time. I do use online grocery ordering at Walmart, so nice of them to shop and load the heavy things in to the car, but they don't have everything I want available so I still have to go in to the store every week or so.enjoy that new hip!

    1. You're all making me feel even more lucky than I'd believed. Glad you're doing okay.

  2. Firstly I love your cross stitch and secondly, did you count those stitches? I’ve never had a forced confinement or even a sick day. But if I did I would spend my days lying in bed reading and my husband could bring me tea and food. This actually sounds good, I might try it on Sunday.

    1. LOL Veronica. DB and I were discussing the cup of tea I bed scenario this morning - over a cup of tea. He thinks he's finished now, though I've been up and making my share for more than three weeks now. And we're sharing cooking meals again which is good.
      The stitch count was in the pattern! Crazy number but kept me out of mischief.

  3. Hi Sue

    Go you I am so happy that all is back to normal for you now and think of all of those ideas from being in hospital good looking Doctors and fabulous nurses :)

    I had shoulder surgery 18 months ago on my right shoulder which made it more difficult and 6 weeks in a sling and not to move it at all well that was so hard at times but I could still manage my kindle so a lot of reading was done and I even managed to get the reviews done typing mostly one handed. Where there is a will there is a way :)

    I do love that cross stitch

    Have Fun


    1. Thanks, Helen. It is good to be mostly back to normal. And yes, I'm pleased with Santa.

  4. Ouch, Lyn, that's sounds awful. I hope you come right soon. And yes, definitely better having someone else in the house, though my DB went to work, as I didn't want him hanging around wondering what he needed to do. All the best with your recovery.

  5. Sue, so glad to see your surgery went well. Being confined would drive me crazy! Years ago I was confined to bed for a while after an emergency appendix removal. I didn't believe I could actually get sick of reading but I did.I actually took up knitting, something I hadn't done for years and haven't done since!
    BTW I so admire your Santa, he is amazing.

  6. I know what you mean about getting sick of reading, Kandy. Who would've believed it? I didn't stay confined as long as I was meant to, couldn't cope.
    Yep, pretty pleased with the old guy.

  7. Hope your hip continues to come on in leaps and bounds, Sue. When I have a lot of confined time on my hands I love to glom a season or two of a favourite TV series -- Buffy, Call the Midwife, Downton etc. I even pretend I'm working...studying story structure, character development, pacing.

    1. Thanks. Michelle. I'll leave the leaps, though! I spent a lot of time on CI, and like you, could say it was research for my Intrigue stories.
