I saw someone talking about this on YouTube recently and it got me to thinking. I generally don’t read a lot of sad books, because I’m all about the happy ending and the uplifting quality of reading.
I also avoid sad movies like the plague (hence why I’ve never seen the Notebook.) This may also be because my husband teases me when I cry in movies.
But sometimes a good cry is just what we need, isn't it? It's a good way to let emotion out and lightened the burden of all the feelings we try to ignore.
So, just in case you feel like having a teary here are a few books I thoroughly enjoyed, despite the tears.
1. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne – warning: do not read the ending of this book in a public place! Stupid me read it on a train full of office commuters…
2. The House in Via Manno by Milena Agus – The twist at the end of this book was heartbreaking. It’s a short read, but it packs a powerful emotional punch. Milena Agus's books were originally written into Italian and then translated into English. I've never seen anyone else talk about them, but they're worth hunting down.
3. The Road by Cormac McCarthy – You know it can’t possibly have a Hollywood ending…but it’s no less painful when it happens. This book is a gripping read, it's suspenseful and interesting and powerfully written.
4. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott – This is my earliest memory of having a book make me cry. I seem to remember my mother walking in on me (I must have been about nine or ten) and finding me sobbing in my bedroom.
5. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness – Holy moly...this one got me bad. It hit a lot closer to home than I was expecting. But the writing and characterization is beautiful! Easily one of my favourite books of all time.
So there you have it, what books have made you cry? Share your teary reads below.
I love a book that can make me cry, Stefanie. But, I haven't been able to bring myself to read The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas or The Road. Love Little Woman and haven't read the other two.
ReplyDeleteI can't think of the last book that made me cry, but three movies that make me howl are Bridge to Terabithia, Beaches and Themla and Louise.
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas was a great read, although I haven't watched the movie yet. Ahh Beaches, yes definitely a tearjerker!
DeleteI haven't read any of these books. Not even Little Women which is some kind of romance writer sacrilege, I know. But I have to say there's usually something in most books I read that will bring tears to my eyes be they happy or sad tears.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory of crying at a book was Charlotte's Web. Man! That's such a tear jerker. Cried when I read it to my daughter when she was about 7...
I cried when I read an erotic romance the other day when the hero did something so achingly sweet.
Yes....it's official, I am a bone fide sook!
Oh Charlotte's Web, I loved the animated movie of that when I was a kid. Tears every single time! We can be in the bona fide sook club together :)
DeleteOh Stefanie
ReplyDeletethere have been many books over the years and yes Little Woman was one of them and Love Story by Eric Segal was another when I was a teenager and then in the movie as well and I have just read Barbara Hannay's The Secret Life what a beautiful story and the ending had me crying out loud but is was the perfect ending for the story and Rachel John's The Patterson Girls is another that you will need tissues for :)
Have Fun
I really want to read The Patterson Girls - it looks fabulous!!
DeleteLittle Women makes me cry - one of my favorite books. Catch of the Day by Kristan Higgins makes me cry too. So would Ole Yeller if I would ever read it. I have a weakness for dogs dying in books.
ReplyDeleteOh, I hate it when they kill of animal characters. That always makes me cry!
DeleteFrom your list, Stef, I've only read Little Women (which I loved). But, both The House at Via Manno and A Monster Calls are available at my uni library so I've ordered them both. :-)
ReplyDeleteThe book that makes me cry Every Single Time is Seven Little Australians. When "the thing" happens, the individual children's reactions are a masterpiece of showing rather than telling...and will also stomp all over your heart. Despite the sadness, I love that book.
Let me know how you like them!! I haven't heard if Every Single Time, I'll look it up.
DeleteLOL. I should've been a bit clearer -- the capital E, S and T were for emphasis. The book that makes me cry is Seven Little Australians. ;-)
DeleteStefanie, thanks for the list. I tend to avoid ones I know will make me cry. I sniff through the movie versions of Little Women and even War and Peace. I keep meaning to read Anna Karenina but can't bring myself to do it. Eleni made me cry - it's a retelling of a true story about a woman who sacrifices herself so her children can be free.
ReplyDeleteA few of these took me by surprise as I think I also avoid books that are really sad. A Monster Calls got me terribly, I was expecting something quite different.
DeleteStefanie, anything by Nicolas Sparks usually gets my tears flowing. But I do try to avoid sad books most of the time. Reading is for pleasure.
ReplyDeleteI agree Sue! I've never read a Nicholas Sparks book for that exact reason. Too scared of the tears haha
DeleteHi Stefanie, I love a good cry while reading or watching movies, so thanks for the recommendations. I'm with Michelle for Seven Little Australians - I loved that book so much when I was a kid and read it over and over. *Spoiler Alert* when Judy dies...the pages were wet with my young tears. The movie of Ole Yeller provoked floods of childish tears too. Nicholas Sparks turns on the waterworks, too. The Notebook being notable - he does tend to kill of characters! For romance, most stories by Laverle Spencer bring on tears. And Marion Lennox does a very good job of making me bring out the tissues! I quite often get feedback from readers that my books make them both laugh and cry and that pleases me as I probably had a good sob when I wrote the tear-inducing scenes. Great post, Stefanie you've given me some new tear-jerker books to look out for! (I've read Little Women of course, and yes, Beth...)
ReplyDeleteDamn Nicholas Sparks and him killing off characters!! That gets me every time...and not just the human characters, the furry one especially. Thanks for the recommendations, I'll definitely check those out :)