Oct 30, 2017

What Are You Reading?

Hi everyone, I'm in a nosey mood and would love to know what you're reading!

I'm currently reading a classic Sarah Mayberry, The Other Side of Us.

I'm also reading a couple of books by New-to-Me authors. One is Nancy Warren's Kiss a Girl in the Rain.

And Rachel Lacey's Unleashed.

I always have a few books on the go - one upstairs by my bed to read each night, and at least one other to read while I have a coffee (or any other time I can sneak in some reading time!). Does anyone else read more than one at a time? Please tell me it's not just me!

But, the big question: what book are you reading right now? Is it one I should be grabbing a copy of myself?


  1. Looks like a good list, Rachel. I'm currently reading First Person by Richard Flanagan. He came to Byron recently for an 'in-conversation' with Kerry O'Brien which was fantastic. I've only just started but good so far.

  2. Hi Rachel

    I for the most part read one book at a time unless I am reading a paperback then I don't read them in bead anymore so then I have two books on the go :)

    At the moment I am reading Christmas Revels IV four regency Christmas stories by Hannah Meredith, Anna D Allen, Kate Parker and Louisa Cornell and I am enjoying it :)

    Have Fun


  3. Hi Rachel,
    I just finished a few books myself. I too was reading Sarah Mayberry (Hot Island Nights and Her best Worst Mistake and Her Best Friend and some more) all in a few days. Furthermore I can recommend An Invitation to Sin by Sarah Morgan, if you love hilarious banter. Sometimes I just read two or three books simultaneously, if I read more I tend to get lost in the storylines. If I (have to) want to write a review then I'll try to be moderate and read just the one.

  4. I’m hitting the Christmas romances, getting in the mood... So it’s The Jingle Bell Bride for me by Scarlet Wilson. Your reading list lo9ks super good, and I love romances with pets in them.

  5. I keep forgetting the title of the Michele De Winton title I'm currently reading for review purposes. I blame the fact that St Martin's Press decided to make all the titles in this series similar. I'm not far enough into the book yet to know whether to recommend it.
    What I can recommend though is Stefanie London's Trouble Next Door. I finished that a couple of nights ago and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Lots of enjoyable scenes and loved the opening scene. Can't remember the release date for Trouble Next Door - but I know it's soonish.
    Normally I'd have more titles I could recommend, but I'm actually behind compared to my usual reading pace at present.
