Sep 25, 2016

Sunday Smooch with Clare Connelly

Welcome to another LoveCats DownUnder Sunday Smooch!

Today we have a guest smooch from Clare Connelly but first 

....... the winner of last week's Sunday Smooch Giveaway is Nadia!

Can you please contact amy (at) amyandrews (dot) com (dot) au to receive your copy of Playing It Cool.

 And now for today's Sunday Smooch from The Sheik's Christmas Mistress which appears in Clare's A CASACELLI FOR CHRISTMAS  anthology - four stories featuring one dynamic and powerful family. 

Charlotte Faber falls head over heels for Sheikh Malik Desara the first time she sees him. And she thinks he's falling for her too. Until their holiday comes to an end and he proposes... for her to be his mistress!

 Malik might be all-powerful and super wealthy, but he isn't at liberty to marry a wife of his choosing. His future's been mapped out for him since birth. But the beautiful Charlotte captivates him in a way he's never experienced, and he will stop at nothing to keep her in his life, and in his bed. 

Charlotte Faber’s in a Swiss ski village to look into the mystery of her parentage. She doesn’t want to be derailed from her research, but when she walks into a bar and hears a tall, handsome man singing the most beautiful version of Hallelujah imaginable, every single cell in her body is intrigued … Later, in the warmth of his limousine … 

“Fancy,” she said with a dry tone, as he effortlessly uncorked the bottle, smothering the loud ‘pop’ with the palm of his hand.
“You don’t like champagne?” He asked, pausing in the act of filling a glass for her.
“It’s just a bit of a step down from the Ukrainian wine I usually drink.”
He laughed throatily. “You are being sarcastic.”
She shrugged. “This is so not the norm for me. Riding in the back of some space-ship car, drinking a bottle of champagne that probably costs a month’s rent on my flat, with a strange man I can’t decide if I’m annoyed at or...” she tapered off, her cheeks warm as she realised what she’d been about to say. Wildly attracted to.
“Yes?” He urged, his lips tilted in undisguised amusement.
“Even more annoyed at.” She substituted crossly, but his mocking glance showed he understood exactly what she’d been thinking.
The silence was anything but comfortable for Charlotte. Every second she spent in his company was doing strange things to her central nervous system. She could have sworn her skin had actually begun to tingle. Finally, he spoke. “So because this is unusual you want to end it?”
“No,” she contradicted. “I’m not ending anything. You kindly returned my coat, and that’s the end of our business together.”
“I think you’re wrong,” he said quietly, handing the champagne to her.
“Oh, do you?” She was surprised that her fingertips wrapped around the stem of the glass. Even more so when she lifted it to her lips and tasted the incredibly fine liquid.
“I think our business together is just beginning.”
She laughed, in spite of the way her bones seemed to melt at his softly spoken words. “That’s such a cheesy line,” she chided. Who cared that it had the exact effect he’d intended? Her heart was racing, her nipples straining against the soft fabric of her shirt.
She was excited. Very excited.
“Not one I’ve ever used before,” he promised huskily.
She found his declaration difficult to believe. He was too effortlessly charming. Too confidently suave. “That doesn’t matter. I’m not the kind of woman you think I am.”
“Oh? And what do I think you are?”
She rolled her eyes, self-conscious suddenly. “I know the way I look. I know that men see big breasts and blonde hair, and think I must be lining up for one night stands.”
“And you’re not?” He asked, leaning forward, so that his face was only an inch from hers.
“God, no!” She shook her head, but when she realised that it brought her mouth within striking range of his, she cleared her throat and pressed back in the seat. “Look, to each their own. I think it’s great that women can have a healthy sex life in this day and age. I’m not a prude. But I don’t appreciate being hit on by men I’ve just met. Even if you are as sexy as they come.”
Malik didn’t know whether he wanted to laugh in amusement or groan in frustration. He was not accustomed to being turned down. Even before he’d ascended to throne of Ashan, he had never found it difficult to entice women into his bed. The problem had been kicking them out when they no longer interested him. But the desire this woman had flared in him was intense. He wanted to explore it.
And yet, there was something about her that was even more appealing than the way she made him feel. She was fascinating. Like a bug under the microscope, he was enjoying watching her squirm.
“You think I’m sexy,” he repeated, and this time, when he moved closer to Charlotte, his mouth hovered just above hers.
Charlotte gulped nervously. “Yes.” It was just a whisper. A soft admission of thought-guilt.
“Good.” He took possession of her mouth, as he had wanted to do from the first minute he’d seen her. He’d intended it to be a light kiss, but the second they connected, his body sparked with electricity, and the kiss blew out of his control. His hands hungrily ran the length of her body. He balled her shirt in his fists and lifted it, so that he could feel her warm skin beneath. Her heart shuddered beneath his touch as he skimmed his hands over the lace of her bra. He lowered his mouth, nibbling and tasting the sensitive flesh to the side of her neck.
Charlotte’s moan was almost his undoing, but he forced himself to remember who he was, and where he was. His driver was completely scrupulous but Sheikh Desara had a reputation and a code of honour to protect. Public love-making was not acceptable. With eyes that glittered with promise, he lifted his head, but he kept his hands where they were, in contact with her generous curves.
“Invite me into your hotel,” he demanded, moving his thumb in a rhythmic pattern across her sensitised nipple.
Charlotte was tempted. Oh, so tempted. But she knew she couldn’t do it. She shook her head. “I told you, I don’t go in for one night stands. One kiss isn’t going to change that.”
Malik’s respect grew, for he knew how torn she was. Her desire for him was as great as his for her, yet she was sticking to her original declaration.
“I understand,” he surprised her by saying. “I have no interest in a one night stand with you, anyway.”
“You don’t?” She squeaked, immediately regretting that she’d said ‘no’ to what would undoubtedly have been a night of mind-blowing sex with this guy.
“Oh.” She cleared her throat then handed the champagne back to him. The disappointment was gripping. “Then if you’ll just get my coat...”
“First, I want you to promise me something,” he said quietly.
“What is it?”
“Have lunch with me tomorrow.” He named the finest restaurant in the resort town, run by a famous French chef.
“I... but why?”
“I should have thought that would be obvious.” He said smoothly. “I don’t want a one night stand with you. But I do want you.”
Charlotte lowered her eyes, her mind buzzing with doubts. “So lunch is what? A pre-cursor to seduction?”
He reached over and lifted her chin with the pad of his thumb. “Yes.” He would have her. It was written in the stars as surely as her cheeks were flushed with desire and her pupils dilated with lust. Before he returned to Ashan, he would have conquered Charlotte Faber. Body, mind and soul, she would be his.

The Cascelli anthology is full of festive magic and traditions – and debate over what constitutes a truly great Christmas pudding! I’m a little torn on traditions. My husband’s family have a really old pudding recipe – as in seven generations. BUT it’s a wine-free pud, and that seems all kinds of wrong to me (my homemade fruit mince could drive a car on its fumes alone…). My mum used to make pomanders with us every year, so the smell of cloves makes me want to break out into carols regardless of the season. We also used to forage wild flowers and kindling to make our own wreaths – something I now do with my kids every Christmas. What’s your favourite festive tradition? Do you stick with the time-honoured or have you made up your own? 

Clare is giving away a signed paperback copy - open internationally - of the anthology (four books for your reading pleasure!!) to one lucky person who comments below!

Come back next Sunday, when the winner of today's giveaway will be announced and a new smooch will be posted!

Smooch Graphic by WebWeaver


  1. Hi Clare,
    I love your books and your writing style! You're able to create amazing tension and chemistry between the couples from page 1. I struggle to put your books down! I particularly loved the Casacelli series! So thank you and I can't wait to read more of your books.
    As for Christmas traditions, my strongest traditions happen on Christmas eve where we go to church as a family. I love seeing the little kids dressed up as angels and shepherds. After that I usually help my mum wrap the family presents - we have a lot of cousins! I'm continuing these traditions with my kids who definitely enjoy Christmas as much as me. :)

    1. Hi Michelle, that sounds so beautiful. Church on Christmas Eve is really magical ... and wrapping presents together! This is one of my favourite things to do. Carols playing, a cup of egg nog... it's impossible not to feel surrounded by love. Oh, and I'm so glad you enjoy my books! Thanks for commenting :-)

  2. Hi Clare

    WOW what a smooch I have one of your books waiting for me on my TBR pile I must get to it :)

    I do love Christmas stories and these do sound fab and as for Christmas traditions I make Christmas cakes for my friends for presents every year I make 7 of them and they are so yummy and quite easy to make but of course there is grog involved :)

    Have Fun

    1. The best presents are the edible ones! Do you have a favourite cake recipe or do you vary it each year? I do gingerbread houses - though the recipient list is a little out of hand now and it takes a month of earnest baking and assembling 😬 Thrilled I'm in your TBR list!

    2. Hi Clare

      Yes I do have a special recipe that is easy to make I got it out of The Woman's Weekly back in 1982 :)

      Have fun

  3. Hi Clare,
    As a self proclaimed 'Christmas-tragic' I am excited by all things Christmas and can't wait to read "A Casacelli for Christmas" - FOUR books!!! Wow!! :)
    I moved overseas away from family about 10 years ago and had our family, so we've had to introduce some of our own traditions. Like...sushi on Christmas Eve. We also try and do a Christmas morning breakfast picnic which has been at the beach, the park and zoo previously!!! Oh, and Baileys Irish Cream.
    Teeny bit early....But Merry Christmas to you Clare xxx

    1. Hi Arlene, thanks for stopping by! I love the sound of all your new traditions-- especially the Baileys ice cream. We are partial to a beach picnic on Christmas morning as well- especially if there's champagne and sunshine! 🍾🌞

  4. Hi Clare,
    As a self proclaimed 'Christmas-tragic' I am excited by all things Christmas and can't wait to read "A Casacelli for Christmas" - FOUR books!!! Wow!! :)
    I moved overseas away from family about 10 years ago and had our family, so we've had to introduce some of our own traditions. Like...sushi on Christmas Eve. We also try and do a Christmas morning breakfast picnic which has been at the beach, the park and zoo previously!!! Oh, and Baileys Irish Cream.
    Teeny bit early....But Merry Christmas to you Clare xxx

  5. my family & friends meet at my house a few weeks before Christmas each year ---my 2 great-grand children start to get excited about November wanting to know what day we are having it --the review has made me want to read this book-----Lyn W

    1. That's so lovely, Lyn. Family is what it's truly about. And having generations all together, marking the festive season? Just beautiful. Thanks for posting. 🎄

  6. Hi Clare,
    Wow! Thanks for the Charlotte and Malik snippet! Will definitely be picking it up!
    Christmas is the best and one of our family traditions at our big family parties involves an uncle dressing up as Santa to hand out the presents to the kids. It's a lot of fun and a bit crazy at that time of the party!

    1. I love that-- what a great tradition! I bet it's a highlight for the kids. 🎅

  7. Oooh a Christmas anthology! <3 what a treat Clare! And I love the idea of making wreaths - so magical!
    Growing up my Nan would spend forever making Christmas puddings - which I never understood because I can't stand them! (I know! Worst grandchild!) that hasn't changed, so I prefer to bake my favourite sugar cookies and decorate them as little Christmas trees. We celebrate on Christmas Eve with my inlaws in a gigantic German-esque feast (schnitzels as well as roast lamb, chicken, turkey and a leg of ham?! Sure!) and Christmas Day is either spent quietly at home, dinner with friends or travelling interstate with my family! Always busy!
    Cheray x

    1. Oh! Cookies are lovely though, and such fun to decorate. I bet they make great gifts too! As for your Christmas Eve feast... woah! That sounds like food overload, aka perfection 😂🎄

  8. Oh I love Xmas :-)
    I always make the Christmas pudding for Xmas lunch in my house, Clare. It's my hubby's granny's recipe - but I soak that fruit in a shit tonne of booze. None of this OJ crap!

    1. Perfect! And sipping champagne whilst baking, I hope. 🍾

  9. Traditions are very important.

    I agree on the wine. My family seems to put it in everything we cook during the Christmas period. Well, wine or brandy or rum. My sisters rum balls are POTENT!!

    1. Hi Mary, I love it! I usually make my cake in August and douse it liberally with alcohol every week so it's likewise quite potent by Christmas 😬 I should clarify that the family pudding is delicious, and some clever clogs added a wine sauce at some stage, so it's got a mix of sherry and brandy over the top!

  10. Hi Clare, I am really enjoying your books and with Christmas fast approaching I cannot wait to read "A Casacelli for Christmas".

    Much like Arlene, my husband and I moved overseas about 5 years ago and big Christmases with extended family are not always do-able. However, now with 2 littlies of our own we are forging our own Christmas traditions. We own a dairy farm so Christmas Day consists of filling in the time between milkings with presents, a seafood feast and water balloon fights on the lawn. I want my boys to love Christmas despite us having to work on the day.

    1. Hi Sarah, those are pretty special traditions. Seafood feast, yes please!! 🐟🦀🐠

  11. I love Christmas!! It's my favourite time of year. I love nothing more than stocking the house with delicious treats - I've already started!! First box of chocs have been purchased!!
    On Christmas Day we have my dad over for Christmas lunch and the rest of the day is spent lounging around feeling ridiculously full..... Then managing to squeeze in yet another mince pie!
    We have a little boy who is 2 so Christmas morning will be especially exciting this year :) My mum and step-dad moved to Scotland from Australia this year, so I'm planning on a sumptuous smoked salmon breakfast with them.
    I think my absolute favourite is a Christmas Dinner Piece ("piece" is a sandwich in Scotland 😆). Turkey, bacon and stuffing smothered in cranberry and mayo between 2 slices of fluffy bread..... This is usually consumed at many intervals throughout Boxing Day :)

    1. Fiona, I am adopting the idea of a "piece". How brilliant that sounds. And your two year old will be a perfect age for Christmas morning- old enough to really understand the magic of it all. My kids always loved watching Arthur (a Christmas movie by Aardman) around that age- and they still do. Thanks for sharing. I'll think of you on Boxing Day when I'm enjoying a piece of piece :-)

  12. Lovely excerpt, Clare! Looks like the Sparks are gonna fly. ;-)

    Ah, Christmas. My favourite part of the day is the early evening as the day starts to wind down, and Mr Douglas and I share a bottle of something lovely and some homemade Chrissy cake. Happy sighs.

  13. Hello Clare, I enjoyed this excerpt, I love the sheik and the Christmas. The festive that I prefer is Christmas, and even now celebrate it following the family traditions.

    1. Hi Poli, thanks for stopping by. I have a soft spot for Sheikhs and Christmas too. :-) Happy reading, CC.

  14. Fabulous smooch, Clare. Really enjoyed it.

    We always have a champagne Christmas breakfast whilst opening all the presents. Nice way to kick off the festivities.

    1. Hi Jennifer, perfect! Champagne on Christmas morning is a must. 🍾🎄

  15. Welcome back to the LoveCats, Clare! I'm not particularly fond of Christmas pudding, but Mr Bailey is, so we always have one. Usually store bought, I'm afraid to say. Maybe this year I should try to make one...

    1. Thank you, it's lovely to be here and sharing a smooch. Oh, I say make the pudding this year :-)

  16. Hi Clare and welcome back to the LoveCats! Thanks so much for sharing your smooch. I love a good Christmas story!

    I also love Christmas and I suppose the most important thing for me is having family around, no matter what other traditions we have or change. Always such fun!

    1. Hi Annie, thanks! You're right about family. Having them around and involved is the best tradition.
