Welcome Leisl!
Hi. It’s a pleasure to be here.
Tell us a little
bit about your story?
Killing Me Softly is a romantic suspense set in the north of England. It’s
about a publicity shy music producer, Alexia Deningham, who has built a
successful career in an effort to escape the horror of her past and to build a
new life for herself and her traumatised twin. When the opportunity arises to
work with talented, yet troubled, rock star, Daemon Flagherty, Lexi jumps at
the chance as another way to not deal with the issues from her past that keep
haunting her. Despite the fact that both Daemon and Lexi have troubled past and
don’t easily trust, a relationship builds between them, helped along by their
shared passion for music.

Can you tell us
what was the inspiration for Killing Me Softly?
I don’t think there was any one inspiration. I tend to dream in stories
and I kept on having a series of dreams over and over that wouldn’t let me
alone. In the dreams there was a rock star who had lost his ‘muse’ and a woman
who he thought was the only one who could help him to find inspiration again.
When I sat down to write it though, the story that began to be told at first
was the woman’s and it seemed to turn from a contemporary romance into a
romantic suspense, with a hidden past, a stalker and a traumatised twin. It
kind of just grew from there.
During your
career, you’ve been an actor, singer and dancer, as
well as script writer, stage manager and musical director for cabaret and
theatre restaurants. Did all this experience help for creating the characters
of Alexia Deningham and Daemon Flagherty?
think so. Music is very important to them, and while Alexia has always suffered
from terrible stage fright (something I’ve never experienced myself), she longs
to share her music and her love of music with people. Daemon loves all aspects
of music – writing, recording, performing – which is something I could really
relate to. There is nothing like the rush of getting up in front of people and
making them laugh and cry and cheer. It is incredibly fulfilling. And there is
a moment in the book when Daemon drags Lexi up on stage at a local barn dance
and she is able to lose herself in the music and for the first time,
experiences that rush she never knew when she was younger because of fear. It’s
one of my favourite moments in the novel, because it is a real turning point
for her, but also because I know that joy. Obviously, I also know a little
about recording in a studio because of my past career, so that helped too.
I love romantic suspense, can you share what you
believe are the essential ingredients to make this genre work?
me, at the heart of a good romantic suspense, there must be a romance that
fuels the story; that makes the reader’s heart swoon with desire, and pound
with worrying about what is going to happen to the hero and heroine. Without a
hot romance, I might as well be reading a crime novel. Then of course there is
the suspense. It doesn’t matter how the suspenseful element comes about (the
protagonists caught in the middle of a crime, a mystery to solve, murder, espionage,
insane stalkers etc), or if we know who the ‘evil’ character is throughout the
novel, but it does matter that tension is built constantly, that the pace winds
up as each chapter plays out and that all the story/plot threads must come
together at the end. I am never more disappointed when I finish a romantic
suspense and I go ‘Huh? But that makes no sense’ or, ‘That didn’t just come out
of left field, but from a totally different field altogether.’ And if questions
are still left hanging, unless it is part of a series, I’m truly disappointed.
What is your favourite scene and can we have a sneak
of my favourite scenes is one early on in the novel when Lexi, unable to sleep
at night, gets up to work on an opus of music she’s been writing and recording
for the last eleven years. It is the musical story of her life. Daemon’s band
has arrived that day, and he, unable to sleep, goes into the studio to do some
work himself, and finds her playing something she’d just written. In that
moment, Daemon sees who Lexi really is, and for him, it’s the start of the
relationship – although he doesn’t know that until much later.
Placing the sheet music on
the piano, she took a seat and began to play.
As she played she found a
lead refrain creeping in from the last movement. Haunting and solemn, speaking
of something missing, something lost. She frowned, tried to change the music,
but it wouldn’t budge. This thing deep inside her was coming out unbidden,
undermining the happiness. Frustrated, she banged her hands down on the keys.
‘That was bloody
marvellous. Why’d you stop?’
Lexi jumped, her hand
flying up to stifle a scream. Eyes wide, she turned. Daemon leaned casually
against the doorframe, hands in his pockets, black hair ruffled, his jaw
darkened by stubble. He pushed away from the doorframe and sauntered into the
room towards her.
‘I didn’t mean to frighten
Lexi grasped her hands in
her lap to stop them from shaking and endeavoured to sound natural. ‘No, it’s
okay. You just startled me. I didn’t hear you come in.’
The amusement on his face
was disarming. ‘You wouldn’t have noticed if the ceiling fell around you.’ He
sat beside her at the piano and ran his hands along the keys. ‘I know that
feeling myself.’
She coughed, edged away
from him. ‘I didn’t expect anyone to be up this late.’
‘No-one else is. Just me.’
His eyes were vibrant blue
in the semi-dark room. She could feel his gaze like a touch as it skimmed over
her face, came back to her eyes, remained there. How could it feel as if he
were drinking her in? She cleared her throat, shifted, tore her gaze away. ‘I
like to come down here at this time of the night. I like the quiet. I can work
without being disturbed.’
He laughed at her gentle
barb, the sound sliding up and down her spine. She stood up abruptly. ‘How come
you’re up at this hour?’ She sounded defiant, almost annoyed, but she couldn’t
help it. He’d thrown her with his presence.
‘Same as you. I often work
at this time of night. Can’t sleep, so I might as well do something productive.
If I stay in bed I get angry with myself and start to worry about all sorts of
He looked up at her with
those searching eyes. Crossing her arms, she stepped back, chin rising. But
before she could think of something to say, he turned to the piano, his long
fingers picking out a tune.
No, not a tune - the basic melody of what she’d
just written!
He turned to the music in
front of him and began to play in earnest. The music soared around her, filling
up the small studio with the resounding tones of the piano.
She wanted him to stop.
Listening to him play her music created an intimacy she wasn’t ready for. She
was reminded of that old song, ‘Killing me Softly’. He played her deepest
thoughts and feelings, everything laid bare. She should stop him. He already
looked at her with a gaze that pierced too deep. And yet, she couldn’t stop
him. Under his fingers, her music sang to her in a way it never had before. The
feelings of loss and loneliness were there, but they didn’t overwhelm. Within
the refrain, she also heard a resilience and strength she’d never acknowledged.
The music said, ‘keep going, show no fear’.
That was what she’d done.
That was who she was. His interpretation brought out that strength.
The final notes tumbled to
an end, vibrating with a deep resonance from within the polished mahogany piano
As she drew in a deep,
shuddering breath, trying not to feel the music within her chest, around her
heart, Daemon turned to her.
‘That was beautiful. What
do you call it?’
Lexi pulled the sheets off
the stand, thrusting them into the music folder she kept on a shelf beside the
piano. The sheets rustled as her hands fumbled with the folder. She bit her
lip. ‘Nothing. I might not even keep it.’
He stood up and took the
folder from her trembling hands, slotting it smoothly on the shelf among the
other folders and books of music. ‘You have to. That music is you. You can’t
throw all that away.’
‘I’ll do what I want.’
You’ve had enormous success in the competition circuit,
how does it feel now to be published?
I’ve been working toward this moment for what seems like so long. The
competition places and wins were great encouragement at times when I felt like
I was going nowhere. It’s hard work being knocked down by rejections, picking
yourself up, dusting yourself off and finding the joy to write again. But I
really wanted this, so I did just that, worked really hard on improving and
learning more about the craft and trying to write what brought joy to me,
characters I could fall in love with. The competition successes told me I was
heading in the right direction, but also taught me lots of great lessons about dealing
with criticism and understanding that I can’t please everyone. It helped me to
toughen up my skin and just become more determined. And then, finally, one
magical afternoon at home with my son who was home sick from school, I got that
wonderful ‘call’. It was the best feeling ever!
Me Softly is now available at: Destiny Romance, Amazon, Kobo, Angus & Robertson and iTunes.
for popping by Leisl. I hope
Killing Me Softly sells its socks off!
for having me here on LoveCats. It’s been a thrill.
Leisl would love to know: What song
brings back a great memory for you? Why? Leave a comment for a chance to win
Killing Me Softly.
Also a reminder that twelve Destiny Romance titles are currently on sale for 99c including Seducing the Secret Heiress.
Also a reminder that twelve Destiny Romance titles are currently on sale for 99c including Seducing the Secret Heiress.
Nice interview. "say a little prayer for you"
ReplyDeletebn100candg at hotmail dot com
Leisl, congratulations on your release. You had me hooked when I read it was a romantic suspense set in the north of England! They sound such intriguing characters from the snippet I just read.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it fascinating how songs take us back instantly to a time or place or event? A bit like scent. When I hear Cyndi Lauper's 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' I'm instantly reminded of a brilliant time in my life when my husband an I had moved into one of our first places together. It was tinged with sadness too because of a family loss. Overall though it makes me grin, remembering.
That's a great excerpt from the book and I was fortunate to hear Leisl read it at her launch. Congratulations on the release, Leisl!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the release Leisl!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds so awesome!
All the best!
Annie, Girls just wanna have fun is such a great song and brings back memories for me too - singing it at the top of my voice with my friends on the train home from school for one.
ReplyDeleteWaving to Jen & Leisl...
ReplyDeleteI love the Disney song - Once Upon A Dream from Sleeping Beauty - we had it played by the band as our wedding dance... it brings back great memories and always makes me smile.
Congrats again Leisl! Wahoooo!!!!
Bye 4 now
Waving back, Tina.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the congrats. I love Disney songs. A Part Of This World from The Little Mermaid is the song I used to sing to my son when he was in the hospital (he was born 9 weeks prem). It always helped to calm him.
Thanks for the congrats, Nas. Do you have a favourite song that means something to you?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Leisl! It's lovely to have to visit on the LoveCats.
ReplyDeleteLove your excerpt from Killing Me Softly - I can image how intense it would be to have someone come in and play a piece of music that you were composing. If they did it badly you'd feel crushed and if they did it well I imagine you'd feel as though you'd lost little bit of control over your song.
Songs/music are really strong memory pegs, aren't they! My dh and I got together when Mental as Anything came out with If You Leave Me Can I Come Too! We both have a very soft spot for that song!
I love that excerpt, Leisl.
ReplyDeleteMy husband, being a bit of a muso, insisted he pick our wedding song. Well...it was 'You Sexy Thing' by Hot Chocolate. It was so funny. It was played by this disco band all dressed up in seventies outfits. It was such a blast!
Leisl no way are you old enough to have sung Girls Just Wanna Have Fun on the school bus! Must have been having a cool-chick retro moment, huh? ;-)
ReplyDeleteI have a whole album that instantly takes me back to Schoolies week. Billy Joel's "The Bridge" was out that year (1986) and we played it over and over - This Is The Time To Remember particularly. I was falling in love with my husband at the time so it will always have fond memories for me :-)
I've always loved Cold Chisel's Flame Trees. For years my favourite of theirs was Khe San but in more recent times I've come to appreciate the aching nostalgia of Flame Trees. It reminds me of going home and I always hear it playing in my head when I drive back into the town where I grew up. Except now the anonymous "her" in the "never say her name" is my Mum.
Songs are incredibly powerful emoters (is that a word???) which seems to very much be a theme of your book and for that alone I'm off to buy it :-)
Oh, Amy, you lovely lady, I am much older than I look. I was a teen in the eighties - eighties music is the soundtrack to my hormonal and angst ridden teen memories. We most definitely did sing Cindy Lauper on the train on the way home from school. I liked Cold Chisel, but INXS was my go to band when I felt the need to emote (in teen speak, that's cry over nothing in particular, just because!)
ReplyDeleteThere are songs from every decade that have meaning for me and each are as special as the other. Thanks for sharing yours (and thanks for buying my book!)
Oh, Jen, what a great song (and of course your husband wanted that song to express how he felt about you). Songs are such a great way of expressing feelings that we can't express with words.
ReplyDeleteHi Sharon,
ReplyDeleteThanks for having me as a guest here. It's a thrill. I love Mental as Anything, and that song is so poignant. That band had this whole crazy vibe going, but they really knew how to get to the heart of an emotion. I can understand why 'If you leave me' has special meaning to you - it does for so many people.
All these comments just remind me how great Aussie music really is. :)
Fab excerpt, Leisl, and congratulations on the release of Killing Me Softly :-)
ReplyDeleteSongs are fabulous for taking us back, aren't they? I remember when I was a kid I'd help my dad record tapes (remember those?) for our annual summer holiday trek 3 hours north. Whenever I hear the Beach Boys or Jan and Dean it takes me straight back to those days. And I still love daggy 60s and 70s music because of it (guess who inherited all the old vinyl?) :-)
Leisl, thanks for coming to visit us at the LoveCats! It's great to have you here. :)
ReplyDeleteThat excerpt is gorgeous (though you know I'm too much of a fraidy cat to read a whole rom-sus book...).
I have really strong memories of Mum playing John Denver when I was little, and his songs still take me back to those early years. Love them!
Thanks Michelle and Rachel. I'm glad you liked the excerpt. Music helps bring back really visceral memories, I think. John Denver has such beautiful, simple melodies with very poetic lyrics that are always about love (love of another, love of country, love of self). So, great messages there as well as memories. And Michelle, when I mention tapes and vinyl records to my children, they think I'm talking about something from the dark ages, yet, it really wasn't that long ago that was how music came to us. The Beach Boys are classic and always make me think of summer.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your music memories with me.