I have a desk that sits in the alcove behind our kitchen (great position because it’s close to the coffee machine) where I face a window and have plenty of natural light. It’s small, but it’s comfortable and it's mine.
These are the 6 things you’ll always find on my desk (aside from the obvious, my laptop!):
1. Romance Llama: my writing mascot, a furry stuffed llama with a lopsided smile, lives on my desk. He keeps me company during the day when I’m home alone, and he puts a smile on my face.
2. Noise Cancelling Headphones: Sometimes I’m still writing by the time my husband gets home. Often I write on the weekend. Noise cancelling headphones keep me sane when all I can hear are the not-so soothing sounds of GTA 5.

4. A notebook: I’m a little bit old school in that I only take notes by hand. I write and plan on my laptop, but when revising or thinking up an idea for a new story I find it easier to write it down. This is also my excuse for buying endless amounts of cute stationary.
5. A throw: It can get very cold when you’re sitting by a window, especially in winter. I love to rug up in a cuddly light-weight blanket when I write – my current one is a fluffy teal one that was a gift from my husband.
6. Flowers/greenery: I'm a terrible gardener but I love fresh flowers. I also have a cute little bamboo plant that gives my desk a nice tranquil feel.
What are the things you always have on your desk?
Oh Stefanie
ReplyDeleteThat sounds lovely having a window to look out of and all the wonderful things to help brighten it up, the only desk we have is the one the PC is on and it is usually a mess with all of us using it. I really need to tidy it up today but I too always have something to take notes on and pens :)
Have Fun
Shared spaces are definitely the hardest to keep clean! I find my desk can be come a 'collecting ground' for mail and other bits if I'm not careful :)
DeleteYour writing space sounds idyllic, Stefanie. Mine...not so. It's currently in bad shape and needs a clean, but I'm mid-book so that won't happen until I've written The End. Seriously, you do not need to know what is on here!!
ReplyDeletehaha messiness during deadline doesn't count, does it?? My desk always looks like a mess when I'm revising because I print my manuscript out and there are piles of notes everywhere.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteStefanie! I took my comment off because I spelled your name wrong! My bad! I'd just finished talking to my friend Steph and my brain hadn't quite got back into gear! My excuse! LOL
ReplyDeleteAnyway, as I was saying, what do I always have on my desk? Too darned much! Mine is like Louisa's and needs a clean! And in my case, a very ruthless clean!
While your desk sounds just perfectly lovely and there's gorgeous romance llama watching over you while you write! You and your furry mascot are doing a great job!
haha no worries, that happens all the time!
DeleteThe desk can definitely end up being a collecting area for me too - it seems to attract mail all the time!
Oh, dear, my desk is a mess! While yours, Stefanie, sounds like a sea of serenity. I have notes and scrap paper, reference books, pens, pencils and highlighters. I have shells, a pretty rock, a feather, a china pig, and my Buddhas. Oh, and then there's my ipod and dock...and a paperweight. There's just enough room left for my laptop. :-)
ReplyDeleteMy poor desk is old and rickety too...I foresee this all ending in tears down the track. ;-)
That sounds like a cute collection of things - especially the china pig!! I'm definitely one of those people who can't work in a cluttered space, so I have to keep it clean other the words refuse to come out!
DeleteYour space sounds perfect, Stefanie!! I love candles, fresh flowers, stationary and pretty throws too.
ReplyDeleteI still haven't had a chance to set up my writing space in our new house and am still sitting at the dining room table which is not ideal. I do a lot of writing in cafes but am craving my own space. Must get it organised.
It's so nice to have your own spot to organise and set up as you like, although I do occasionally go to a cafe for a change of scenery. Plus, eavesdropping on other people's conversations is good writing fodder, right? haha
DeleteYour desk sounds perfect to me. Mine is actually a table and is a home for clutter right now. It's on my list of things to deal with since it's no use to me right now. The other part of the equation is finding a nice comfortable chair that I'm happy to use with it.
ReplyDeleteI currently have two ugly chairs that I use as a step stool and for sitting at my desk/table and they are on the list for replacement this year.
A comfy chair is a must. Mine is actually a dining chair (and its bright red, so cute!) but it's a nice fabric, doesn't give me a sore behind and it matches our 'pop of red' theme.
DeleteAn um-comfy chair can ruin the whole thing!
Totally agree - it's not even that the chairs are a bit uncomfortable, they're just down right ugly.
DeleteYou have given me the inspiration to deal with the clutter all over the table/desk this weekend though
Stefanie, your desk sounds so orderly and inspiring! Mine is usually very messy!
ReplyDeleteWhat do I usually have on my desk? One of my cats is always nearby when I'm writing and often actually on the desk.
I would trade the pretty desk for a furry friend to keep me company, Kandy!! I can't wait til we can get a dog :)