by Rachel Bailey
There's been a lot of baking at my house recently. It must be something about the cooler weather that makes me want to turn the oven on.
The first photo is a lemon drizzle cake that is divine, and fairly easy to make. Mel Scott / MJ Scott shared the recipe with me and I think it's going to become a regular in our house. In fact, there's a how-to video that makes it even easier - I'll post it below in case anyone gets the urge.
We're also quite fond of sultana cake (or, as I've recently discovered, it would be called yellow raisin cake in the US). When it's warm from the oven, with a cup of tea or coffee, there's not much yummier.
We've also been making puddings - chocolate molten puddings, to be precise. Though it's quite possible that there will be some sticky date puddings in our near future, since Mr Bailey usually makes them about this time of year.

The third photo is not baking, but it is made in the kitchen - chocolate coated popcorn. It's school holidays, so there's been some of this eaten in the last few days.
And in other news, my upcoming new adult rom-com has a title: The Summer of Jake. Thanks for all the suggestions on my last post! The winner of the Name This Book contest is Dora Bramden. Dora, drop me an email and I'll send you a copy of The Summer of Jake when it comes out.
But first, that easy recipe for the lemon drizzle cake that I promised you! If you make it, let me know.

The first photo is a lemon drizzle cake that is divine, and fairly easy to make. Mel Scott / MJ Scott shared the recipe with me and I think it's going to become a regular in our house. In fact, there's a how-to video that makes it even easier - I'll post it below in case anyone gets the urge.

We've also been making puddings - chocolate molten puddings, to be precise. Though it's quite possible that there will be some sticky date puddings in our near future, since Mr Bailey usually makes them about this time of year.

The third photo is not baking, but it is made in the kitchen - chocolate coated popcorn. It's school holidays, so there's been some of this eaten in the last few days.
And in other news, my upcoming new adult rom-com has a title: The Summer of Jake. Thanks for all the suggestions on my last post! The winner of the Name This Book contest is Dora Bramden. Dora, drop me an email and I'll send you a copy of The Summer of Jake when it comes out.
And in the meantime, tell me what your favourite thing to bake is - do you have a go-to recipe? Maybe a family favourite? Or perhaps something that you can throw together easily? I'd love to hear about it! And maybe try baking it myself. :)
But first, that easy recipe for the lemon drizzle cake that I promised you! If you make it, let me know.
Yum! Totally taking this post as an invitation, packing dog in car and driving over the Nullabor :) LOL my poor boy hates driving far. At least he gets in a car, now :)
ReplyDeleteI like baking muffins. That whole mix-it-with-a-fork thing works for the lazy cook part of me. Plus the mix forgives rough measurements.
Jenny, if you make it across to Queensland, I'll make you a fresh cake of your choice. Plus, there's lots of room for your dog. Bit of a drive, though!
DeleteMuffins! I went through a muffin phase about ten years ago, where that's all I made. Different flavours, some with buttermilk, some not, big ones and little ones... Maybe it's time I revisited muffins!
Me: Would you like me to make you a birthday cake?
ReplyDeleteSon (aged 8, 9, 10 etc….): no thanks. No offense, mum, but yours suck
So yes, I'm the world's worst baker. Full stop. No argument. I can generally cook and am fairly confident doing that, but baking cakes? No. Good job, really, because where I fail so badly in baking them, I make up in enjoying and eating them. Yours all look lovely!
Oh, Louisa, I'm very sorry that I laughed out loud... :)
DeleteI have to say, though, I only bake easy cakes. If it's too complicated (read: too many ways for me to muck it up), I pass.
Rachel, I'm so with you on the cooking in cold weather. Maybe because I love eating when it's chilly! My daughter makes the most marvellous raspberry crumble pie that takes no time at all and is a great excuse to keep berries in the freezer. We also love hot puddings and I've been thinking of doing one for ages - just tossing up between chocolate or lemon. Sigh. I should be writing but now I'm thinking about recipes.
ReplyDeleteRaspberry crumble pie? Annie, I'm coming to your place! Any chance your daughter would share the recipe?
DeleteInteresting that you're tossing up between chocolate and lemon puddings - they're my two favourites and I'm always torn as well. Also, chocolate cheesecake or lemon cheesecake?
I've often wondered about it because they're such different flavours. It would make more sense if I was torn between chocolate and caramel, or lemon and passion fruit. (Not that I'd say no to a passion fruit or caramel pudding, mind you.)
But now you say that they're the ones you're choosing between as well, it makes me wonder about some correlation between them...
Oh, my, your baking efforts all look simply divine, Rach! I have Barb Hannay's recipe for Greek Lemon Cake, which is the BEST. But I don't believe one can have too many lemon cakes recipes so I'm going to try Mel's out sometime too.
ReplyDeleteIf I need to whip something up in a hurry, I have a great recipe for Spicy Bran Muffins which always hit the spot, or a simple pound cake recipe that is fab with orange icing. Oh, and ANZAC biscuits are always a great standby too. Hmmm…can feel some baking coming on. :-)
Michelle, I remember you posting about that Greek Lemon Cake a while ago and thinking it sounded yum. Must get around to trying it.
DeleteHey, don't suppose I could get you to share your pound cake recipe...? :) :)
Barb's cake is a great dessert as it's very moist and pudding-y. Mel's cake looks perfect for morning or afternoon tea (or both). ;-)
DeleteOkay, have found the envelope that the pound cake mix is written on the back of -- jotted down while a girlfriend recited it out for me. And, you know, I always find those sorts of recipes the best. So here's Leanne's Easy-Peasy Yummy Pound Cake:
Cream 125g butter with 2/3 cup of caster sugar
Add 1 tsp of vanilla essence and a cap of orange essence
Add 2 eggs (Leanne only uses 1 as she finds it too egg-y with 2, and I've discovered it tastes great either way)
Add 1 3/4 cups of SR Flour (a touch less if using only 1 egg)
Add 1/2 cup of milk
Bake in a moderate oven (180C) for 30-40 mins
When cool ice with orange or lemon icing.
Thanks, Michelle! Sounds just what I'm after. I shall test it out and report back. Or Mr Bailey will test it out and I'll report back. One or the other. ;)
DeleteMy favorite cake is a middle eastern orange and almond cake. It's ridiculously easy.
Oh, my, Keziah - that recipe sounds amazing. Whole boiled oranges? I'm definitely trying this one. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI love athe sound of that cake I need to make that one I tend to make cup cakes a lot these days because of the grandkids and I just make plin butter cake ones and let the kids ice and decorate them LOL although with working and reading I don't seem to make them as much as I used to I did bake a lot when my kids were young and I would often just make a butter cake and then add what I had a lot of at home to flavour it apple orange juice leemon banana and of course sultanas what ever LOL
Have Fun
Helen, I love plain cup cakes! And to be able to ice your own? I think your grandkids are pretty lucky. :)
DeleteOoo, yum to the lemon drizzle cake, Rachel (and Mel)! I'll have to try that out. I'm pretty fond of shortbread - though I do need to be careful with sugar intake so I don't bake too often. I bake bread and there's serious discussions here about who gets the crust when it comes out of the oven! Love a warm slice with lashings of butter... though not quite as many lashings as Mr Archer has on his piece!
ReplyDeleteSharon, I don't like the crust - even just out of the oven. I love the warm, soft inside slices. Mmmmm...
DeleteNext time you visit, I might rope you into baking us some bread!
That's a deal, Rachel!
DeleteHave got the best recipe for Chewy Cake - super simple and always devoured with satisfied scrumptious noises. If you ask me nicely, I will tell you - but then I might have to kill you... Oops, sorry, you write romance, I write kids' stuff - sometimes I forget. Anyway, just ask and all will be revealed :-) I also have The Best Recipe for The Best Pavlova too ( a Kiwi invention of course). Free to a good NZ-appreciating home ;-) (PS - Making the lemon cake when DH returns from Honiara and New Guinea, otherwise I would eat it all!)
ReplyDeleteDear Beautiful Clarey-Pie, may I pretty please have the recipe for the Chewy Cake? It would be muchly appreciated!
DeleteDon't worry about the Pavlova, though - since it's an Australian invention, I have many recipes for that already. ;)
Please, Clare, ppppllllleeeeaaassse share your recipe for Chewy Cake. I'm now certain my life will not be complete without it!
DeleteOh, yes, winter is made for baking (and putting on kilos, unfortunately.)
ReplyDeleteBrownies are about my favourite thing to eat in the entire world and I also love to bake them. So little effort for such a big return. My other specialty of the house is scones, made with a very simple measure/stir/bake recipe. Like you Rach, I go for the quick and easy recipes because I want that instant gratification.
And apart from eating there's the gratification of the baking scent wafting through the house. Don't you love that?
I'm now craving lemon cake. I wonder why? And am also checking out the orange and almond cake because boiled oranges…?
Brownies! I love them but I don't think I've ever made them. My mother makes lots of slices - chocolate slice, jam and coconut slice, muesli slice, etc.
DeleteOh, yes, the scent of baked goods filling the house. But comforting and the promise of the treats to come. Hard to beat that!
I love Barb Hannay's Greek Lemon Cake recipe too. It's very easy and very yummy. Also works well with gluten free flour, I've found, which is not true for all cakes.
ReplyDeletePineapple upside-down cake is a family favourite. Good with ice-cream!
Another vote for Barb Hannay's Greek Lemon Cake - I really must try that one. Especially if it works with gluten free flour - one of my sisters has an allergy to gluten, and we're always looking for good cakes to make for her.
DeletePineapple upside-down cake? I haven't seen one of them in years! But I do love pineapple, so maybe I should make one and see. :)
Dropping in from sunny England to say how much I love that title, Rach!
ReplyDeleteHey over there in sunny England! Qld got a bit colder after you left, so I could do with a bit of that English sunshine right now. Glad you like the title, Amy - I'm seriously starting to think about writing a chef heroine...