I hope your Christmas Day was love filled and that you managed to spend time with those dear to you.
Boxing Day for us has always been a day of family traditions. When we lived in UK we used to always have some kind of 'walk'- to get some fresh air into our cheeks and to exercise off some of the excess calories from the day before. Then when we moved to have an upside down Christmas we started a new tradition with our friends: Boxing Day Touch Rugby.
We gather at the local primary school sports field - usually about 30-40 of us of all ages and sizes and we spend a couple of hours playing games; touch rugby mainly, but also football and whatever else anyone brings along- cricket, rounders... The kids bring their bikes, we bring along drinks and we all run off the turkey and Christmas pudding. Then we all descend to our place en masse for a swim and bbq. (So when you read this I'll either be running around like a lunatic on the sports field, or running round like a lunatic in the kitchen- either way, I'll be surrounded by happy people who I love dearly and having lots of fun!)
I know that in a lot of places the shops have huge sales...but to be honest I'm so over shopping by now that I couldn't face going to another shop. What do you do on Boxing Day?
Wishing you all the best for 2015! I hope the coming year is blessed with love, a lot of smiles and days spent reading fabulous books xxx
(Cat and dog image by: http://www.webweaver.nu/clipart/christmas.shtml)
Hi Louisa
ReplyDeleteFor us Boxing Day is sitting in front of the TV watching the Boxing Day Test :) This year Australia is playing India and I releax and read while sitting in that recliner it is a day of relaxation for us after all the work for Christmas and of course there are heaps of leftovers so not much to prepare :)
Happy New Year
Have Fun
Love the pic of the cat and dog Louisa.
ReplyDeleteNo actual Boxing Day traditions for me unless you count relaxing and recovering from the food/family time on Christmas Day. Much as I love my family - too much time with them is exhausting.
This year's Boxing Day plans are to put away the Christmas tree and relax with lots of reading. Also to not set foot anywhere that is likely to be insane with Boxing Day sales and shoppers.
We play games too, but not the active kind like you, Louisa! We play board games. It's a nice, relaxing way to recover from Christmas and a tradition I'm happy to keep going.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your touch rugby!
Louisa, it sounds like you're having a very energetic day! And fun too! I confess today has been all about readin' and relaxin' and talkin' on the phone... and eatin'! Love those leftovers!