Nov 25, 2018

Sunday Smooch with Fiona Lowe

Welcome to another LoveCats DownUnder Sunday Smooch!

Today we have a smooch from but first 

... the winner of last week's Sunday Smooch Giveaway is Helen S.

Can you please contact clareconnelly(at) to receive your prize.

And now for today's Sunday Smooch from The Reunion of a Lifetime by Fiona Lowe.

They once had a summer of passion…

But is it too late to walk down the aisle?

Lauren Fuller hasn’t seen Charlie Ainsworth since he unexpectedly left Horseshoe Bay twelve years ago and burst their bubble of love. Now he’s back, and working together at her GP practice is torment—their chemistry reminds Lauren how good they were together. And when she learns the tragic truth that drove him away, can it finally reunite them forever?

Hi, Lovecats,

For the last few years, I’ve been writing big family sagas but earlier in the year I did release a medical romance, which is where my writing career started.  REUNION OF A LIFETIME is, as the title suggests, a reunion story and I’ve explored the power of first love and how it stays with you across the years. Today’s Sunday smooch is about the first kiss twelve years after the previous one! Such a lot of expectations!

So here they are, walking back from the beach, after a few weeks of URST…

In an old but familiar way, the blue of his eyes deepened by the second, tugging her towards him as if she were hooked on a line and powerless to resist his pull. A tiny part of her cautioned, Don’t do this, but it held no sway. Curiosity was a far stronger beast. Would he kiss the same way he had all those years ago? Had he learned anything new? She had. She’d learned a lot—not so much about kissing but about men and about herself.
So, really, if she kissed him, it was all about proving the hypothesis that she was now a world-weary woman with eyes wide open, instead of a naïve eighteen-year-old weaving impossible dreams. This kiss was merely an experiment to prove to herself he was just another man.
She wasn’t aware if he lowered his mouth to hers or if she rose on her toes to close the slight gap, but the scratch of his stubble was prickling her cheek as his lips missed the mark. Not a perfect kisser after all, she reminded herself. Yet another faulty memory you’ve attributed to him. Then his hands gently cupped her cheeks, tilting her head, and he angled his mouth over hers—warm, soft lips—in a perfect fit.
A sigh rolled through her but she cautioned herself—she’d be a poor scientist if she allowed the first data to overwhelm her.
His touch was light yet firm, generously giving but with a gentle enquiry—Are you sure you want this? In the pursuit of her own scientific endeavours, she opened her mouth under his and he slowly and leisurely slipped in. It was in sharp contrast to the younger Charlie, who had kissed her long and hard until she’d run out of breath and seen stars. Regret for the enthusiasm of youth tugged at her.
Did he taste different? While she trawled her memory, her tongue was flicking, savouring and dissecting his flavours. Peppermint, coffee and something delicious. What was it? She stroked his mouth again and he suddenly groaned. His arms wrapped around her hips and he pulled her in close until she was flattened against him. Every part of him pressed her from chest to toe, filling every nook and valley.
Heat exploded, blasting her and igniting her desire until it was a raging fireball that melted her into a puddle of delicious and addictive sensations. Charlie’s restrained kiss vanished, replaced by an all-encompassing onslaught that made resistance not only futile but impossible. The squawks of indignant seagulls, the gentle lap of the sea against the sand, the low buzz of traffic and the occasional shouts of children receded. She no longer had the ability to examine, question and deduce.
All that mattered was Charlie’s touch, his taste, and the wondrous feel of him. She rested her cast on his chest and gripped his shoulder for support while her other hand roved through his hair. As their mouths duelled hot, hard and with an intensity that demanded their all, her breath came fast and shallow. Silver spots shimmered and spun behind her closed eyes and she didn’t know if she wanted to passively allow him to kiss her so she could savour it all or if she wanted to take control and dominate him.
His mouth slipped along her jaw, burning a trail of wonder and promise. Without any conscious thought her head fell back, exposing her neck. She craved his touch like a starving woman craved food and she took everything he offered. As he nuzzled her neck, his lips and tongue marking her skin with his touch, his hair brushed her face. The faint scent of cedar and masculine sweat tangled in her nostrils and she dragged in a deep breath, filling herself with it before kissing his hair. His lips reached the top of her tank top and the swell of her breast. He gave a gentle nip.
Her body jerked. Pleasure whipped her from head to toe, ramping up her need to fever pitch. She was no longer human—she was a mass of spinning and whirling elements driven by a yearning that dominated everything and left her panting. Every cell in her body hungered for him, demanding to be fed and filled. She heard a low, animal-like growl but she couldn’t tell if it came from him or her.
Her blood pounded loud in her ears, deafening her, but slowly the insistent buzzing and the shrill and regular ring of a bell penetrated her haze. Gasping, she gripped his head and somehow managed to stutter, ‘Ph-phone.’

I guess if you want to know what happens next, you’ll have to read the book ;-)

Do you remember your first love fondly or would you run a mile if he or she ever walked your way again?  I’ll giveaway a copy of Reunion of a Lifetime (e-copy international and print copy Australia) to someone who leaves a comment to this post here or on the LoveCats’ FaceBook page. 

Fiona Lowe has been a midwife, a sexual health counsellor and a family support worker; an ideal career for an author who writes novels about family and relationships. A recipient of the prestigious USA RITA® award and the Australian RuBY award, Fiona's books are set in small country towns and feature real people facing tough choices and explore how family ties impact on their decisions.

When she's not writing stories, she's a distracted wife, mother of two 'ginger' sons, a volunteer in her community, guardian of 80 rose bushes, slave to a cat and is often found collapsed on the couch with wine. You can find her at her websiteFacebook, Twitter, Instagram and Goodreads. BIRTHRIGHT (HQ Fiction) is her current release.

Come back next Sunday, when the winner of today's giveaway will be announced and a smooch from ....... will be posted!

Smooch Graphic by WebWeaver


  1. Hot smooch, Fiona! Love the sound of Lauren and Charlie's story.

    Sadly my first love died in a tragic fitness endurance event. So sad. He was a lovely boy.

  2. Fiona

    Oh I loved that smooch I do love your stories :)

    First love wow I ha d a couple of boyfriends but my first real love I married and am still married to him 41 years later :)

    Have Fun


  3. Hi Fiona, so nice to see you here! Love your smooch and how the scientist in Lauren is overwhelmed by feeling!
    I have no idea what happened to my first crush - those teenage years are so long ago! - but I have fond memories of him. He had a soft Scottish accent that made me swoon!

  4. Hi Fiona! Thanks for stopping by and sharing from your Medical Romance. That's one seriously hot kiss. Makes me want to read on straight away! I do enjoy a good reunion story.
    I wonder what happened to my first crush. Fortunately I married my true love and he's still with me. What a guy!

  5. Fab excerpt, Fiona! A gorgeous kiss. :-)

    My first love was an absolute sweetheart...and gay. Who knew! We were so young and innocent. But we're now both married to our true loves. :-)

  6. Ooh, I love this smooch, Fiona, and that it's a return to your first love as a writer: Mills and Boon Medical. A certain synchronicity there! I do love reunion stories and this excerpt is a perfect example of why. Same same ... but different.

    Like Jennifer, my first love had a tragic end. So many, many years ago.

  7. Loved the smooch thank you.

    I'd be running a mile. I doubt we would even recognise each other. Too many decades have passed.

  8. Ohhh, love a smooch story.

    My first love was only for a short time. We drifted apart. (I married and he didn't). I left the town we lived in. But I certainly have kissed many frogs before I found my soul mate. (He was the boy I really liked when 13).

  9. Ohhh, love a smooch story.

    My first love was only for a short time. We drifted apart. (I married and he didn't). I left the town we lived in. But I certainly have kissed many frogs before I found my soul mate. (He was the boy I really liked when 13).

  10. Hello Fiona !! This extract is very interesting. The memories of my first and only love date back to 44 years ago. We were children's entrabi. since we saw each other we never left each other. We are still together and married for 41 years!

    1. HI, Franca, that's amazing!!! You and Helen should teach a class on keeping the love alive in a long marriage. Congratulations!

  11. Hello Fiona !! This extract is very interesting. The memories of my first and only love date back to 44 years ago. We were both kids. since we saw each other we never left each other. We are still together and married for 41 years!

  12. I wrote a sympathy card to my first love's father when his wife died. He showed the card to my ex. Ex phoned to thank me. Ex was now married with 3 adult kids (after a major split and then getting back together). I was happily married with 2 adult kids. Ex asked to continue conversation over coffee somewhere. I declined. Said that much as I am just fine with talking over the phone, I am not comfortable with being seen in public with him, that it might hurt my husband in some way and I would never do that to him. Ex seemed to understand and we haven't spoken since. I DO consider him as a friend and I would hope he considers me as one too - just not a buddy buddy....

  13. Laney, that was probably a wise move. Studies have also shown that first loves can have out of proportion significance in our minds, hence the flurry on Facebook to 'catch up' and often that pull is so strong people risk their current love.

  14. My first love made me feel safe in a world of chaos my home life had become. He was fun, adventurous and loving. Seeing his face light up when he saw me made me feel on top of the world. We had plans - he'd be a doctor, me, a vet. Sadly, doctors did become a big part of his life as he fought, but ultimately lost, his battle with leukaemia

  15. Oh, Pammie. I teared up! I'm so sorry that your plans to be together were thwarted by his death.
