Why did it make me wince? It's not like men don't snore. Or women for that matter. And I like realism in my books. But clearly, there's a line for me. And snoring is it. Snoring just seems a little too much reality intruding into my fantasy world.
One of the people who left a comment said men shouldn't snore and women shouldn't have a period in the pages of a romance. Now, whilst I agreed about the snoring, I'm not so sure about the other. My Ruby nominated book, Risky Business, features a scene where my heroine gets the period from hell and the hero is so horrified by what she's going through he's utterly lovely and attentive. So obviously we all have different squick factors, different triggers that will tweak our reality antenna.

So the question is do we want our heroes to be the sanitised, fantasy guy - everything we don't have in real life? Or do we want him with a few warts? With some touches that ground him in the real world? Do we want heroes that will burp for example? Or fart? What about nose picking and ball scratching? Is it okay for them to pick their teeth or try and wiggle out of changing a loaded dirty nappy? Do we want ones with real world sized wangs?
Do we really?
Where's the line? Where's your line?
I would have said I lean more toward realism in my reading, but then I read your post and decided that I can do without the snoring (and the burping, farting, ball-scratching.) I have 3 sons in addition to the dh so there's enough reality right there.
ReplyDeleteI like some realism in dialogue and word choice, in setting and lifestyle, but can stretch the credibility in plot.
I'm definitely with you Bron - you put it perfectly. Good realism comes in dialogue and word choices and setting and lifestyle. I'll take my grit that way :-)
ReplyDeleteLOL. This is great, Amy. A few years ago at a writers' meeting we were discussing heroes and how perfect they are. One of the women asked, "So where are the real men?'
ReplyDeleteMy answer - 'We marry them.'
But so I want to read about their habits in a story? No way. Get enough at home.
lol - so true! And that's why we read romance, so we can live vicariously!
DeleteOh Amy
ReplyDeleteThis is a good question I am happy with a little bit of realism but no I don't want a hero who snores loudly or farts or burps yep I have a hubby and one son yep they are enough I second Bron
Have Fun
Bron is wise :-)
DeleteInteresting topic, Amy. Yes a bit of realism but there's a line I don't want crossed!!
ReplyDeleteWell now I'm wondering just where *your* line is Ms St George ;-)
DeleteROFLMAO! Amy! So funny! Yep, I'm happy to have a healthy dose of non-reality between the book covers! Don't need anybody's burps, farts, scratched balls or picked noses on the page!
ReplyDeleteThough.... I have to say I ADORE that picture - he's right into it.... whatever "it" is!
I think it may be nipple tweaking? :-)
DeleteLOL, Amy. I really enjoy a good dose of emotional reality, but can I please, please, please have it packaged up in nice smelling, pretty sounding beautiful bodies, please. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI dont think that's too much to ask, Michelle :-)
DeleteLOL- you crack me up! I live with the snorer from hell and have no desire to subject a heroine to that kind of torture. Plus I have two teenage sons who do enough farting, burping and nose picking to last anyone a lifetime. No thanks. I like my fantasy heroes to be clean living and respectful- I have enough realism at home. (Although, quite happy with a dirty talker!! LOL!)
ReplyDeleteOh yes, we can all do with a dirty talking book boyfriend!
DeleteHi AA - great post. And it's got me thinking. I think I could take the snoring...but the flatulence and nose thing....not so much. So my line would be to stop at snoring....if it's done in a humorous way (Or he has an adenoid problem and then he would be vulnerable and tortured and then he'd be right up my alley - metaphorically speaking of course) :)
ReplyDeleteHumorous snoring from a vulnerable, tortured hero for you, Helen. Check :-)
DeleteGreat question! I agree that sometimes a little reality should be included in romance novels, but snoring isn't it for me. Probably because I'm the lightest sleeper in the world and snoring is the one thing that will kill a night of rest and make me totally grumpy the next morning...not something that makes me look favorably on the hero haha.
ReplyDeleteYes, I do think these things are always in the execution and there is some reality I like. It's such an individual thing, isn't it?