Sep 28, 2015

Small Things

They say small things amuse small minds, dont they? And so it was a few nights ago when I was in bed with my iPad reading on my Kindle app and discovered I could make it talk to me via the translate feature I stumbled upon quite accidentally. Set it from English to English, highlight some text and hey presto! It reads the highlighted text to you.

So, of course, you know what I did right? Der! I went to the first sex scene and highglighted it :-) Man, it was hysterical! And then I couldn't stop. I had to wake up my husband to show him. He didn't think it was so funny. In fact I think he may have grumbled something like preferring to be woken for actual sex at almost one in the morning but I was undeterred - hours of fun I tell you!

I even recorded a portion of the Sunday Smooch I posted here yesterday as read by my lovely translator voice who I have come to think of as Chuck. But alas...I can't upload as it wont take audio files. Sad Face.

But here's another something silly that amused me recently too!  I got it fom FB via this link
Facebook is good for that, dont you think? (click on the image to make it larger so you can read)

Is there anything silly out there there that makes you laugh no matter how juvenile?


  1. That is hilarious, Amy.

    Actually it is my dog that makes me laugh in a juvenile way. She is scared of everything - pine cones, sticks, thunder, the dark and basically any other animal that exists in the world. So it was very funny when she met our local echidna for the first time. Let's just say the echidna didn't need spikes to scare our dog away.

  2. lol - I'm imagining that right now! At least you dont have an awful aggressive thing that wants to pick a fight wherever it goes!

  3. Oh Amy! I love both of your small things! So funny!

    I know I've had a good belly laugh about something very recently but I can't remember what it was... but a friend did recently send me a link to this airline safety presentation which really tickly my fancy!

    1. That's very funny, Sharon. There's also this one with a fligth attendant explaining why you cant use a mobile on a plane. Cracks me up every time :-)

  4. Love both the small things AA. I'm sure I could find something if I was in a better mindset (this time of year tends to stink for me).
    I appreciated the LOL from the Dog's instructions on how to wash the cat though

    1. Sorry about the stink this time of the year, Lyn :-( Hugs x
      I laughed til I cried when I read the message from the dog :-)

  5. That cash washing document is hilarious!! I'd be too worried the cat would take revenge on me in the middle of the night LOL

  6. Learn something new every day! I have used the voices and accents for audible greeting cards but never thought about having them read to me. Wow. I thought that I would grow out of silliness but I'm 64 so looks like that won't happen any time soon. I remember saying to my husband that somebody was wasting time just frittering about, and suddenly that was the funniest word in the world to us and we couldn't stop laughing every time we heard it. And my grandkids can still make me break up by just saying "Captain Ron" (goofy Kurt Russell movie). Gets me every time.

    1. Oh I love a good shared joke, G'ma Cootie! Makes it extra special :-)

  7. Oh Amy

    That cat washing thing is so funny I am still laughing although quietly it is early morning and I don't want to wake everyone else up thank you for that it is a great way to start the day and I don't have an I-Pad so can't try the other trick and I agree small things can often make me laugh the loudest I have grandkids and they do things that are awesome :)

    Have Fun

    1. I think grandkids are a constant source of laughter, Helen :-)

  8. Oh, I can now imagine the cat plotting revenge on the dog! Hilarious.

    This is my go to piece whenever I want a giggle:


  9. LOL Amy. So is my husband, Actually he's totally agreeing with your man. And we haven't got to the rest of your blog yet. :)
