Sep 22, 2014

Lists by Amy Andrews

I've got a couple of books either I'm working on or just about out at the moment that involve lists.
I like writing lists.  No, actually that's not true - I like *crossing things off lists* that I've already written :-)

So it's should come as no surprise that I like writing list books. I like them because they give the whole thing a ready made structure for both the reader and me, the writer. It kind of helps to keep me on track.

The first book - No More Mr Nice Guy - comes out next Monday (the 29th). There was a smooch from it a couple of weeks back if you want to check it out a little. NMMNG is a book that revolves around a sex list. Now, I'm not going to tell you what's on that list (although if you sign up to my newsletter here you'll be one of the first ones to find out on release day! ) suffice to say its detailed and just a little bit naughty :-)

The second book is the WIP I'm writing with my sister called Numbered. It's kind of a Bucket List meets Beaches story - yes tissues will be needed!! It revolves around the premise - what would you do if your days were numbered? It currently had interest from a publisher and we're hoping it'll be out on shelf next year (fingers crossed!!)

So....lists? Love them, loathe them?
What about list books? Love them, Loathe them?
And what would *you* do if your days were numbered?


  1. Amy, I am a total list-o-phile! Love, love, LOVE them! Love making them, love shuffling them around, love tweaking them, love reviewing them and love crossing things off them! (happy sigh)

    AWESOME cover for NMMNG!

    As for things to do if my days were numbered... I'm pretty darned happy with the things I do now so more of the same please... But there is one thing which I'd like to stop doing for those numbered days and that's sweating the small stuff!

  2. Sweating the small stuff is a good thing to NOT too in our numbered days, Sharon, totally agree!
    Cover's great, isn't it? :-)

  3. Hi Amy

    No I am not a list person although sometimes I think I should be then I would remember the things I should have done LOL although I do try and keep a list of books that I need and want to read and release dates so as I know to get them done LOL

    As for what I would do if my days were numbered leave work and have lots of fun with my family

    Have Fun

    1. Ah now, Helen, a woman who makes book lists is a cut above :-)

      Leaving work sounds like a good plan!

  4. Hi Amy, I love the look of NMMNG! Sounds like a very sexy list ;)

    I'm a total list junkie...sometimes out of a desire to be organised, sometimes because I'm procrastinating. But I do find ticking things off a list be very rewarding. If my days were numbered I would probably cram as much travel in (with my family so I could spend time with them too). I'd tick off a few places that I really want to go, see as much of the world as possible.

    1. Thanks Stefanie!
      Travel would be on my list too. Where first? Back to Venice!

  5. Amy, I couldn't manage without lists. Then there are the lists of lists. Sad, I know.
    If my days were numbered I'd have a huge party with family and friends. I love parties. I'd also travel if possible.
    Can't wait to read NMMNG.

    1. lol Sue - we all need a list to keep track of our lists :-)

      Can I come to your party??

    2. Sheesh....okay, that probably came out all wrong Sue. I hope your days are never numbered. What I meant was could I come to just one of your regular parties?

    3. You'd be the main entertainment.

  6. I don't know where I'd be without lists, Amy! Once upon a time I used to keep them for the joy of ticking things off. These days, if I don't write it down it doesn't get done…it gets forgotten…and then remembered about two days after it was due leaving me feeling like a prat.

    I'm not sure if I've ever read a list book, but NMMNG sounds like a good place to start. :-) Oh, and if my days were numbered I'd be jetting around the world, knocking back mojitos and partying hard.

    1. I love your vision in an event of things being numbered Michelle! :-)

  7. Amy, I adore crossing things off my lists. I have lists on lists and half completed lists and then I have to rationalise them into one list when the old ones get too messy. I find writing things down helps stop me stewing over everything I have to do. Of course, sometimes I just end up ignoring what's on the lists because they're too hard. Argh! I'll have to set myself a goal of doing several tasks I don't want to from my list each day. Like start on my tax. Sigh.

    Love the sound of NMMNG!

    1. Thanks Annie.
      I am so damn proud of myself this year - tax already done. WOOT! :-)

  8. I start lots of lists. Rarely finish them. Rarely look at them once I've started them. In fact I've just realised that I'm a failure at lists. Must do better. :)
