Name: Sarsen the Fearless. My sister is Satin the Fraidy-cat because she jumps at her own shadow.
Night Owl or Early Bird: Well that depends on what I can catch (birds are very tricky they fly away so fast). Generally I’m more a of a lizard cat. They are the perfect size for snacking on.
Dislikes: Being carried around the house by miss 4. I am not a baby-doll, nor a sack of potatoes. The smallest slave doesn’t seem to grasp that. And while she does give very nice pats and cuddles, she still insists on picking me up under the armpits so my feet drag on the floor. Very undignified.
Favourite Pastime: Sleeping. I like to follow the sun as it moves around the house. This can take all day to accomplish and by the time I’m done doing that it’s time to have a quick snooze on the end of my slaves bed (or if its winter under the doona). I have been known to claw the sole of their feet if they try to kick me out. What is the point of having slaves if not to warm the bed?
Most embarrassing moment: Being caught sleeping next to the dumb, but warm and soft, dog and then being photographed. Humans have no sense of class I am sure they are planning to use it against me one day.
Most memorable: Catching a rat almost as big as my sister. My slave shrieked in delight then gathered it up before the dog could eat it. I never did see where she put it…