Feb 27, 2010
A Bit Of Fun For A Caturday
Let me know if you think it's too easy or too hard, or if you prefer the other puzzles instead. =)
Puzzle has moved to the Caturday Fun Page

Feb 24, 2010
Mel Teshco's HER DARK LORD release

Tracie: Mel since you are a member of LoveCats and my friend - I'd just like to say how excited I am to interview you today.
Mel: Awww thanks sweety!! *kiss* I'm excited to be interviewed by such a rising star!
*clink glasses – Mel with Midori Splice, Tracie with Margarita*
Tracie: Your debut HER DARK LORD is out with Silhouette Nocturne Bites in a few days *squees* - what was it about Harlequin M&B that made you target them?
Mel: OMG a hard one right off the bat! *laughing* - I love alpha heroes, I love paranormal and combined with the fact M&B has a sterling reputation there was no negatives in going with them.
Tracie: Mel, you have a young daughter - does writing short help you spend more time with her?
Mel: most definitely. I have a rather short memory span *grins* and quite a few manuscripts on the go at once, the shorter format helps me to focus on the ms at what is mostly snatches of time during the day.
Tracie: You also have older daughters - what do they think of their mum writing some really hot and heavy stuff?
Mel: *laughs* Miss almost twelve is proud as punch and quite happy to spread the news around school - but then she is a huge paranormal reader too. Miss almost 20 is pretty blasé about the whole thing, but secretly proud I think - though she probably hopes the hot stuff isn't from my personal experience.
Tracie: Your writing style is very visual - do you find yourself looking at things differently now - taking it in for your writing?
Mel: honestly not really. I think my visual way of writing is just from my seeing it like a movie in my head... I try and create different visuals by incorporating other senses. I can spend ten minutes mulling over a few words *groan*
Tracie: Tell us what you love about Ronan - your yummy hero in HER DARK LORD.
Mel: Ronan – he’s the ultimate dark hero, the man totally in love with the heroine who'd do anything to get her and keep her.
Tracie: Kia is a strong and confident woman comfortable with her sexuality - do you like strong heroines in books you read?
Mel: very much! And I adore heroines who are not afraid of their sexuality. They still have morals but they're not hiding behind feminine wiles.
Tracie: Kia is definitely in that category. Okay Mel, one final question. What are you working on now and do you have anything else coming out soon?
Mel: I'm just finishing off ICE COLD LOVER -- the sequel to my Ellora’s Cave novella STONE COLD LOVER -- and tearing my hair out a little with this one. It will be submitted in the next few hours actually. And I have KALLIE REVEALED coming out soon with Ellora's Cave - a contemporary story about a stripper living her fantasy.
Tracie: Thanks for talking to me, Mel. I wish you well with your release of Her Dark Lord – which is out March first with Silhouette Nocturne Bites
Mel: Thanks so much Tracie, it was a pleasure!
Here is a Blurb for HER DARK LORD - Available now for Pre-Order

But Ronan also seems to know too much about Kia…things she never told him. And as she is drawn deeper into Ronan’s world, he reveals secrets that will change Kia’s life forever….
You can find out more about Mel on:
Blog: http://melteshco.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.melteshco.com/
Buy HER DARK LORD here: Harlequin M&B
Feb 23, 2010
Catwalk Wednesday

Name – Gizmo O’Hara
Human Adoptive Parents – Tracey and David O’Hara
Likes – Chicken. Having a look in the fridge whenever it’s opened by one of the humans in the house – in case there is chicken in there. Having a look at what the humans are doing in the kitchen – in case they have some chicken. Oh and I love chicken.
Dislikes – not having enough chicken. Getting tuna instead of chicken.
Ambition – I am in intensive training as the first Ninja attack cat. I hone my skills on the calves and ankles of my family member. I like to hide in boxes and jump out and my next training exercise is to learn to climb those slippery door jams.
Favourite Pastime – practicing my ninja attack skills. Sleeping on Dad’s pillow.
Best Friend – my buddy and adoptive big brother Crispin O’Hara.
Feb 22, 2010
The Magnificent Georgette Heyer

What I'm reading: Hot Toy, by Jenny Crusie
Listening to: Peggy Lee Sings the Blues
Watching: Castle
What's making me smile: Walking for 3 hours along the beach yeterday!
For many historical romance readers (and writers), their love of historical romance started with reading Georgette Heyer. Obviously, not every lover of historical romance has read Georgetter Heyer -- but if they haven't, they've missed something!
Georgette Heyer established the regency romance subgenre, writing in the 1920s through to the 1970s. When she was in good form, she absolutely couldn't be beaten. Her books are marvellously written, witty, and meticulously researched.
I know that not everyone enjoys reading historicals, but let me just say that Georgette Heyer is not purely for fans of historical romance. Two years ago, I was at a fantasy writers convention in North America. As I sat waiting for someone, a woman asked me what I was reading.
'Georgette Heyer,' I replied, thinking that she wouldn't know who Heyer was. It was a fantasy convention, after all!
'Oh, I love Georgette Heyer,' the woman said. 'The Grand Sophy is my favourite.'
And then -- get this -- a man sat down with us and asked what I was reading.
'Georgette Heyer,' I said again.
'Oh, I love Georgette Heyer!' he said. 'The Grand Sophy is my favourite.'
So, as you can see, her appeal is broad! And, as you can also see, if you haven't read The Grand Sophy, you really should!
My favourite Heyers are The Grand Sophy, Arabella, Faro's Daughter, and Sylvester (or The Wicked Uncle), all of which are set in the regency period, and Devil's Cub, The Talisman Ring, and The Masqueraders, which are Georgian.
If you read Georgette Heyer, which is your favourite? And if you don't ... go out and get one!

Feb 21, 2010
Cat Tray-ler Sunday
So check out our brand new Simon's Cat Page is here
Feb 20, 2010
Caturday Fun
Puzzle has moved to Caturday Fun Day page here

Feb 17, 2010
Audio Books

I am reading Diggers Hatters and Whores by Steven Eldred-Grigg
I am listening to Kings of Leon
I'm watching Big Bang Theory
Making me smile Memories of my step-daughter's wedding 2 weeks ago.
While I love my life, love the busy-ness of family, job, friends, writing etc., the one major drawback I have is there is never enough time for all reading I’d like to do – what is the meaning of life, after all, if not to read?
Then one day, I had a flash of inspiration of how to utilize the long drive to work: audio books. Bingo! It was love at first tape.
My first book was so good, however, I soon found I couldn’t restrict it to car hours alone – I was spending way too much time either driving around the block or sitting in car parks listening for the ends of chapters. Instead I was forced to dust off my old walkman and suddenly going on long walks became a treat, not a punishment for one too many chocolates the night before. Housework too was transformed and I found myself doing extras like cleaning the oven window in order to finish the side.
The greatest discovery however, was a cure to insomnia. Having suffered for years and having tried everything from TV at 2am, to reading in the weirdest contortions so the light wouldn’t disturb my husband, I found talking books the instant solution. Now when I wake at 2am, I think, “Oh great!” as I reach for my CD player, my walkman or mp3. Usually the story stops the brain from switching into over-analysis of the day’s events and very often I drift quickly back to sleep. On the nights that I don’t, I just get more book time. Win win.
Audio books have made me view writers differently. Maeve Binchy’s novels are superb because she has an excellent ear for dialogue (and I’m always a sucker for an Irish accent). The No. 1 Lady Detective series is even better with the melodic patterning of the
Best of all, at my local library, the collection is small. This means I have to browse out of my comfort zone. I cannot turn to favourite authors, rely on preferred genres. I have discovered absolute pearls quite by chance. Currently I’m listening to Skeletons at the Feast by Chris Bohjalian. I’d never heard of him before but I’ve already ordered two more of his novels.
If anyone out there has any thoughts about talking books or has discovered other ways to make more time for reading, I’d love to hear about them.

Feb 15, 2010
Catwalk Wednesday

Name – Phoebe Roe
Human Slave – romance author, Paula Roe
Abode – on and under the bed, behind the stereo, on the sideboard (which is deemed Cats Only and contains nothing but an old towel). Or out in the garden under the trampoline, hiding in the long grass.
Likes – food, head scratches, sleeping, wet towels and sweaty hats, whinging about nothing.
Dislikes – sun cream on the ears, loud noises, being refused food, being blown on (I will scratch you if you do)
Ambition – to train my slave to open the door quicker. To stop Slave’s child from annoying me.
Sociable or Aloof – aloof to outsiders, sociable when I need food or attention
Night Owl or Early Bird – when it suits me, both. I will bash on the screen door to be let in at 3am if the mood takes me. And I expect you to wait until I’ve eaten all my food before you can go back to bed.
Favourite Pastime - Eating and sleeping. Supervising Slave’s father in the vegetable garden.
Favourite Toy – Pegs and lizards in the backyard (when I’m not sleeping). Inside, it’s half of one of those plastic containers you get inside the Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs – makes the most funny noise when you chase it.
What do you like to sharpen your claws on – the sofa. An odd patch of brown dirt in the backyard. Sometimes the grapefruit tree.
Best Friend – Sofy, the white-cross Persian I share the house with.
Feb 14, 2010
Stray (Love) Cats

Reading: The Making of Pride and Prejudice by Sue Birtwhistle & Susie Conklin
Listening to: Peggy Lee Sings the Blues
Watching: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (again)
Making me smile: My friend Sue just sold to Harlequin Mills & Boon!

That litter of kittens made it into my second Harlequin Historical, Beauty and the Scarred Hero, (available in North America now). The heroine, Lady Isabella Knox, has a habit of rescuing strays--a habit that gets her into trouble when she rescues a runaway bride and is catapulted the path of the dangerous Major Reynolds.

Please feel free to share stories about kittens and/or rescuing stray animals with us on the LoveCats blog!

Happy Valentines Cat Tray-ler Sunday
As usual there is Simon's Cat. The second is a couple of unusual friends - a cat and his mouse friend - it's love.
The third is montage of love cats.
And lastly I have added some cute to make you go aaawwwhhhh!!!!
So enjoy our CAT Tray-lers on its own dedicated page right here
Feb 13, 2010
Caturday Fun

Feb 11, 2010
Paranormal Inspiration by Mel Teshco

Cat Stats
Reading: Covet by JR Ward
Watching: So You Think You Can Dance
Listening to: Shakira
Making me smile: Finishing a novella!
Continuing on with my paranormal theme, I'd like to welcome special guest Kylie - co-writer of our single title WIP, Believe - to tell us about her psychic experiences!
Oh crap, you have to be kidding me! I found out that your knees really do go weak when your stricken with fear. That wasn't enough proof for me though. I was sick the next day (understandably). I fell asleep and dreamt of a road sign which I thought was interesting. I later found out that the name of the road that I dreamt (which I won't reveal out of respect) was one little letter different in a seven letter road name and it sounded almost identical to the road on which this fellow was murdered, just spelt wrong...double crap!! Too close to ignore. "Ok, Ok, God I get the message, I'll do what I have to do."
Feb 10, 2010
by Nikki Logan
Name: Larry
Abode: Rainbow Bridge
Likes: His people, food, car-trips, naps (in that order)
Dislikes: sharing
Ambition: To rool the world
Feb 8, 2010
What I Love about CATegory Romance
Reading: A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole
Watching: American Idol! (Can’t help it, I’m addicted)
Listening to: The Battlestar Galactica Soundtracks
Making me smile: Hubby’s back from a work trip!
Since this is a blog for people who love to read (and write!) category romance, I thought I’d share 5 things I love about category:

1) SIZE: It’s not how big it is, it’s what you do with it! Category books are shorter so I can squeeze a great story in between work, writing, family, shopping, cleaning, blogging, Tweeting etc etc. And I love to read and write Nocturne Bites, which are short stories and the perfect length to fit into a busy day.
2) NO DISAPPOINTMENT: I hate when I pick up a book thinking it’s going to give me what I want and instead all my favourite characters are dead by Chapter 3, the guy doesn’t get the girl and the hero turns out to be a wimp! With category, I know the books will deliver what they promise (and no, that doesn’t mean the stories are the same).
3) RANGE: I get a huge, new selection of books EVERY month! An obsessive-compulsive reader’s dream.
Desire = wealthy alpha heroes and thrilling settings
Medical = hot guy in scrubs or a white coat (need I say more)
Romance = warm happily-ever-afters that leave me smiling
Nocturne = intense alphas in dark, sensual, action-packed stories
Spice = Bold, naughty and HAWT!
Historical = get whisked away to amazing places from the past
SuperRomance = big stories of love, life and family
4) EMOTION: No matter which genre of category romance you pick up, you’re guaranteed emotion. You’ll feel the intense ups and downs of falling in love—whether the characters are doctors, tycoons, vampires, businessmen, firemen or rakes. I once heard a reader describe category books as her illicit drug—her quick hit of intense emotion! I thought that was a great way to describe them.
5) PRICE: They’re cheaper! Yep, they’re shorter, but I get the same satisfaction regardless the length of a story, so that’s more bang for my buck. And the Harlequin and Mills and Boon websites offer discounts or bundle ebooks for great deals.
So how about other readers out there? What do you love most about category romance?

Feb 7, 2010
Sunday Cat Tray-lers
We have this weeks's Simon's Cat - and if you have feline friends you will definately recognise this one.
The second is a couple of cat pals having a conversation - and boy it sounds about right.
The third is a lovely story about a scuba diving cat and her best buds.
So check out our brand new CAT Tray-ler Page here
Feb 6, 2010
A Bit Of Fun For A Caturday
Though I have to warn you - this is a hard puzzle!
Click here to take you to today's puzzle

Feb 4, 2010
Unexpected Tenant
by Sharon Archer
Warning to arachnophobia sufferers!
Spider pictures to follow!
Cat Stats
Watching: Just finished Season Two of Spooks! Those writers sure know how to leave a hook to make you come back for next season!
Reading: The Dip, Seth Godin.
Making me smile: Finished weeding the herb garden!
I’ve got an interloper in my study at the moment and I have to say he’s been v

What's up

BlueTac for supper?
Actually, I think he’s got a bit of a cheek moving in behind my pin board. I read up on them and these timid spiders like nice quiet places that are infrequently disturbed. In my defense, I’d like to say that, just because I’m sitting quietly, it doesn’t mean that nothing is going on!
They’re not aggressive but they are a largish spider and when they get excited, they run around in a flurry of long hairy legs. We had a moment during this photo shoot where we both got a bit hysterical - there

Huntsmans don’t like to get their feet wet and in South Africa they’re called “rain spiders” because their appearance indoors means rain is on the way. So I hope my spider is right – later today is looking promising with the remnants of a tropical cyclone drifting down from Queensland.
Australia has nearly one hundred and fifty huntsman species and Wikipaedia says that there are more than 1000 worldwide. That’s a very big family!

Anyway, it's been a tiring session for my model so he's retiring from the limelight for now!
So how many legs have your office trespassers got?
Feb 3, 2010
Catwalk Wednesday
Little Foot
In winter I live mostly in a big paddock as I need the extra food when the grass has died off and browned from the frost. *hmpth* Summer time I can mostly be found in the small paddock, whinnying and carrying on and occasionally pushing my nose on the gate to let my mistress know I'm not happy - I seriously don't care that if I eat too much I just might get a bad case of laminitis!
Grass, pony pellets, grass, lucerne, grass. Did I mention grass?
Sharing my paddock with the 'big' girls. Being a thorougbred doesn't give Sexy Pepsi and Sahara rights to *my* grass. I was here first, and I damn well let those other silly mares know it! FYI - I'm a welsh mountain pony, *much* better than a racehorse!
I've trained two humans - sisters - how to ride, I'm determined not to be too energetic training the third! well, I am twenty now you know and very stubborn!
Do you have a pet photo you'd like to share?
The LoveCats are showcasing Catwalk Wednesday each week! For those readers who'd like us to feature their furred, feathered or scaled friends, please send Mel the snapshot to her email - melteshco@yahoo.com.au with the subject line: Catwalk Wednesday photo. Each week the LoveCats will choose one animal friend. Mel will then send off a list of questions for the pet owner to choose from!